الأربعاء، 27 أبريل 2011

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell was the Lunar Module Pilot for Apollo 14

Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, said he was aware of many UFO visits to Earth during his career with NASA but each one was covered up.
Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as 'little people who look strange to us.'

He said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head.
Chillingly, he claimed our technology is 'not nearly as sophisticated' as theirs and "had they been hostile", he warned 'we would be been gone by now'.
Dr Mitchell, along with with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, holds the record for the longest ever moon walk, at nine hours and 17 minutes following their 1971 mission.
'I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real,' Dr Mitchell said.
'It's been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it's leaked out and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it.

UFO theorists believe Roswell in New Mexico was the site of an alien crash in 1947

Edgar Mitchell was the Lunar Module Pilot for Apollo 14

Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, said he was aware of many UFO visits to Earth during his career with NASA but each one was covered up.

Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as 'little people who look strange to us.'

He said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head.

Chillingly, he claimed our technology is 'not nearly as sophisticated' as theirs and "had they been hostile", he warned 'we would be been gone by now'.

Dr Mitchell, along with with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, holds the record for the longest ever moon walk, at nine hours and 17 minutes following their 1971 mission.

'I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real,' Dr Mitchell said.

'It's been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it's leaked out and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it.

'I've been in military and intelligence circles, who know that beneath the surface of what has been public knowledge, yes - we have been visited. Reading the papers recently, it's been happening quite a bit.'

Alien Mentors
Alien Mentors
Could Aliens Become Spiritual Mentors?
Contact: C. L. Talmadge,HealingSone Books

LANCASTER, Texas, July 28 /Christian Newswire/ — Is our society about to acknowledge the existence of aliens?
A second credible member of the public has spoken out on the topic. Just last week former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, speaking on BBC Radio, said aliens exist and have been observing earth for “quite some time.”
The 77-year-old Mitchell, one of only 12 human beings to have walked on the moon, also said that events like the reported 1947 alien spaceship crash at Roswell, New Mexico, occurred and were hushed up by the U.S. and other governments for various reasons.
In a May interview with Italian newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican’s chief astronomer, the Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, said there is no conflict between believing in extraterrestrial intelligent life and believing in God.
“How can we exclude that life has developed elsewhere?” Rev Funes asked, even implying that some aliens might not have been subject to the separation from God described in Genesis. “There could be (other beings) who remained in full friendship with their creator.”
Any extended discussion, apart from the existence question, about intelligent non-human life heretofore has been limited primarily to speculative fiction. Most works in these genres eschew any direct talk of spirituality, religion, or faith, alien or human.
There are some exceptions, however, and if our society is now more open to aliens, then a look at how we have portrayed alien faith and spirituality is worthwhile.
Enemy Mine, a 1985 science fiction film derived from an award-winning novella, depicts an intergalactic war between human beings and an alien race called the Drac. Marooned on an isolated, inhospitable planet, a Drac and a man start off as enemies. Out of survival necessity, however, they make a wary peace and eventually become dear friends.
The Drac shows a sense of his own spirituality and the divine, reading frequently from a small book of religious/philosophical text, and pondering the larger questions of life.
Ultimately, the alien’s faith and friendship motivate the human being to consider something other than his prestige as a top-scoring fighter pilot. The alien reminds the human that life is so much more than just a scramble for conquest and material success. The human being is much better off for having encountered an alien of great faith and courage.
An example of fantasy that directly addresses alien spirituality is the Green Stone of Healing epic series. It features an intelligent non-human being, a Mist-Weaver, who exhibits capabilities that human beings more readily ascribe to the supernatural. The Mist-Weaver is able to appear and dissolve at will, transitioning from material to non-material realities in much the same manner as the divine heralds of earthly religious traditions.
As would an angel, the Mist-Weaver assumes physical form to converse easier with the human characters. The Mist-Weaver clearly has a profound sense of the divine and his connection to it and to all life, and tries to encourage that spiritual connection in his human counterparts.
The Mist-Weaver’s presence spurs his human students to examine the limitations of their faith and their spiritual understanding, just as the burning bush, signaling God’s presence, presented Moses with challenges of faith and self-growth.
His spiritual teachings often leave the human beings baffled, however, because they are so different from human understanding. The Mist-Weaver never tries to dictate human behavior or beliefs, solve human problems, or protect his students from the consequences of their actions.
In taking a hands-off approach, he might seem indifferent to some, but the Mist-Weaver simply refuses to intervene out of his abiding respect for free will. Perhaps that’s what makes this alien truly strange. The Mist-Weaver doesn’t suffer from that all-too-human inclination to run other people’s lives or to proclaim God as a similar micro-manager.
A third example of speculative fiction portraying intelligent non-human beings with a highly developed spirituality is Alien Nation. Most of these on-screen “Newcomers” are just regular folks, although there are villains in their midst, too. But the average alien Joes and Jills have jobs, houses, children, and try to live peacefully among their human counterparts. They also have extensive religious rituals and traditions that are depicted throughout the TV series.
Like Enemy Mine and the Green Stone of Healing series, Alien Nation asserts that non-human beings can teach the human variety a thing or two about life and spirituality. The Newcomer police officer is paired with a human detective who is initially very unhappy about the arrangement. But the former earns the latter’s respect and affection through his courage, smarts, initiative, and loyalty. The Newcomer demonstrates that these enduring and spiritual character qualities are not the sole province of human beings. Again, the human being is better off for having known the alien.
Tragically, on earth today the concepts of spirituality and faith seem far more alien to many than does the assertion of intelligent non-human beings.
Aliens may give God far more credit than we do. If / when the day comes that we openly encounter intelligent non-human beings, we may find that the experience brings us much closer to reclaiming and living our own spirituality than we ever believed possible.
We can always choose to embrace the unknown–the alien–instead of fearing it.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

NASA Press Conference About Alien

U.S. space agency NASA will conduct a conference about the possibility of other creatures on Planet Earth. This is surprising because the first time NASA held a meeting about aliens. The meeting itself is planned to be held on Thursday, December 2, 2010, local time. NASA did not say bluntly about the possibility of a meeting that discussed the alien problem.

Because the invitation received by journalists in the U.S., they will discuss about the related science fields Astrobiology. Astrobiology is the science dealing with his own study of life in places other than Earth. NASA officials will discuss this issue itself consists of the director of the Astrobiology program, Mary Voytek, USGS research Astrobiology Felisa Wolfe-Simon, Goddard astrobiologist Pamela Conrad, ASU professor James Elser, and founder of Applied Molecular Evolution Steven Benner.

Picture of ET found on wall mural in Egyptian Tomb of Ptah-Hotep dating back to 5th Dynasty!!!

© Photo copyright Cosmic Conspiracies
Cosmic Conspiracies were recently searching the web for pictures of ancient Egypt for a forthcoming T Shirt project for this site. Whilst we were visiting various Egyptology sites we came across this picture that was taken inside the Tomb of Ptah-Hotep, at Saqqara, Egypt, which dates back to the 5th Dynasty. The picture shows servants offering food to the Egyptian sage and Philosopher Ptah-Hotep (who is sat at a table to the left of this part of the picture). Ptah-hotep served during the reign of Izezi as a sage. His maxims are in the Prisse Papyrus which are in the Louvre. Izezi was the eighth king of the 5th Dynasty and ruled Egypt from 2388 till 2356 BC.
We were flabbergasted to say the least when we took a closer look at this image and could make out an 'alien grey' in the bottom of the picture! Does this prove that the building and placement of the Pyramids were aided by alien intelligence?
We have only been able to find the three images of this picture that you see here and have learned that this particular wall mural does not appear in any official guidebooks!... I wonder why? I have found out however that a picture showing this same mural is in an old book called 'In The Shadow Of The Pyramids - Egypt during the Old Kingdom'.
The implications of the discovery of this ancient stone picture that includes the alien are absolutely huge! and could be one of the most important clues to alien intervention into our ancient history ever made!
Alien Grey!
© Photo copyright Cosmic Conspiracies
Here is an enlargement of 'The Grey'. This picture could explain why the Egyptians appeared to be so technically advanced, and how they were able to build the Pyramids with such precision. For instance the coffin in The Great Pyramid was cut so accurately that we could not even recreate a similar coffin out of rock today - even with our laser technology!
© Copyright Cosmic Conspiracies.

Face it, great discoveries have been made while looking for a good T-shirt design, and there are likely plenty of earth-shaking revelations to be found while excavating the Internet. But is this "alien grey" one of them? The most striking feature of this website is the poor quality of the photographs. They are blurry and murky, and details are difficult to distinguish. The figure identified as the "alien grey" is of an ambiguous shape, but it does look like there might be eyes, and perhaps a frowning mouth, and possibly arms folded upon the chest, as if in a rather cross demeanor. But this is a subjective interpretation, much as one might describe the shape of an ink-blot, and it is helped along by the suggestion of the authors. The text informs us that "the picture shows servants offering food" to Ptah-Hotep, the owner of the tomb in which the relief is found. One might well wonder at the presence of an alien among a collection of food offerings. It is also notable that if the figure is indeed an alien, it is shown in a frontal view -- face on -- quite unlike the other figure in the scene and, indeed, quite unlike Egyptian artistic conventions in general.
While the figure might bear some similarity to what we today think extraterrestrial beings look like, an open mind would reserve judgment until better quality photographs could be examined, as photographic evidence appears to be the single basis of the authors' theory. As it turns out, those authors might well hope that you do not have the resources to try to find them, and as a further discouragement they cite an "old book," In the Shadow of the Pyramids. Neither the author nor the date is cited. Fortunately, it is not hard to find information about a book from its title, and one needn't go to too much trouble to find that the author is Jaromír Málek, and that the book was first published in 1986 (it isn't all that old, after all, but it is out of print).
The authors of the website claim to "have only been able to find the three images of this picture that you see here and have learned that this particular wall mural does not appear in any official guidebooks!... I wonder why?" The implication is that there is some conspiracy afoot trying to suppress the "absolutely huge" implications of this tomb relief. Is it such a secret? A look in any general tourist guidebook to Egypt reveals that "the double mastaba of Akhti-Hotep and Ptah-Hotep" is open to visitors (and photographs may be made if a flash is not used). If the relief is a secret, it doesn't seem to be a very well-kept one.
Indeed, luckily for the casual visitor to Egypt, Bonechi's All of Egypt, a glossy tourist photo paperback hawked by vendors at popular sites throughout the country, has a picture of this very relief on page 45:
Offering Scene
© Photo copyright Bonechi
Seen more clearly, the little "alien grey" takes on quite a different perspective. The figure looked much more alien-like in the fuzzy picture, but here it looks rather like something else altogether. But what is it?
© Photo copyright Bonechi
What before looked like a mouth now looks like the neck of a bottle, perhaps, and the head doesn't look like a head at all, but more like a flower or some plant-like thing, sprouting spiny projections. The "eyes" here no longer resemble eyes. What is this thing? Recall that the context in which this relief is found is that of an offering scene. Might this be an offering of some plant, perhaps a flower? Consulting a general reference on ancient Egyptian culture, and looking specifically for flowers, it could be found that the lotus represents Upper Egypt and also is symbolic of rebirth. This seems a reasonable image to be found in a tomb. Further, a casual library researcher would discover that there are two types of lotus, one with "pointed buds and petals." This seems to better describe the mysterious figure than its being in the likeness of an alien from some other planet.
It seems much more logical to suppose that the peculiar figure pictured is the image of a lotus blossom, with a bud on each side of it, placed in a vase or jar as an offering. Is it possible to confirm this alternate theory? Another relief in the same tomb depicts a man gathering lotus blossoms as he places them in a basket:
© Photo copyright Alberto Siliotti
Clearly, we may now say that what looked like eyes were in reality flower buds, and what in a very poor photograph looked something like an "alien grey" looks exactly like that which it was meant to represent: An offering of a lotus blossom.
This particular exercise was fairly easy, especially with an elementary knowledge of Egyptian art and a few references at hand. The following (from the same website) may require a little more detective work:

© Photo copyright Cosmic Conspiracies
The above wall mural resides in a temple in the goldmines of Kush. Notice the rocket and figures standing by it!
© Copyright Cosmic Conspiracies.

The first thing to note is that this time the exact location isn't given. We are told that this is found "in a temple in the goldmines of Kush." Kush, or Nubia, is a rather large area that includes southern Egypt and part of the Sudan (some of it is now submerged under Lake Nasser). We are also told that this relief is found in a temple. We may safely assume that it is a mortuary temple, associated with a tomb, because the architectural design is that of a false door. These were imitation doorways through which the soul of the deceased could pass in order to receive offerings of food and other goods. But trying to find this particular tomb in all of Nubia (the issue of "goldmines" aside) would prove a daunting task to the casual researcher. A more fruitful pursuit might be to closely examine the pictorial evidence without the advantage of further specific information.
© Photo copyright Cosmic Conspiracies
Notice that the figures next to the "rocket" are shown frontally, unlike the other figures on this wall. The anatomical position of the figures is also very unusual, with the arms straight and to the side like gingerbread men. The figures themselves are without detail. Art in tombs tends to be very formal, and conventions are seldom flouted. There seems to be a problem with style where the figures are concerned.
Reliefs are carved into stone in two basic ways: raised and sunk. To produce a raised relief, the material is cut away from around a figure, so that the figure stands out from the matrix (surrounding background). A sunk relief is achieved when the body of the figure is cut into the matrix so that it is incised. Very often sunk reliefs were used on the outside of buildings so that the sun would cast sharp shadows in them for better definition. But sunk reliefs were also easier and quicker to sculpt, so they were sometimes used indoors as well.
A close examination of the larger photograph will reveal that the figures are in raised relief and the hieroglyphics are in sunk relief. Note the man's arm at the far right. The left edge is dark, in shadow, while the right edge is white (the source of light is to the right of the observer -- note the shadows at the bottom center). The glyphs, on the other hand, are dark on the right edge and light on the left, indicating that they are in sunk relief. Now look at the figures next to the "rocket." They are in sunk relief, unlike the other figures on the wall. They are inconsistent in several respects to the general style of the reliefs as a whole.
Modern graffiti (better described as vandalism) is universally executed in sunk relief, mainly because this method is fast and easy and it takes little talent or planning. It would not be illogical to conclude that the two small figures standing beside the "rocket" are products of modern vandalism. But what about the "rocket" itself? It is hard to tell if it is in sunk or raised relief; it almost looks outlined in black. The texture inside the outline is different than the texture surrounding the form, which is not truly vertical (nor does it share a baseline with the two "human" figures). The "rocket" looks as out of place as the two figures. If the purpose of the false door was to provide a portal for the spirit of the deceased to pass in order to receive offerings, then why would these figures appear here?
A critical examination of the evidence, while keeping in mind the context in which it appears, would lead the rational mind to discount unlikely theories of space alien intervention in favor of more prosaic interpretations. Ironically, the truth is always more interesting than falsehood, though some would discard the former in support of the latter.
Catchpenny Mysteries © copyright 2001 by Larry Orcutt

What is a section about aliens doing in a website about cryptozoology? Aliens are only of peripheral interest in the science of cryptozoology. For the most part, cryptozoologists are interested in finding new species of animal here on earth. Aliens do not seem to be animals, and they presumably are not from Earth. Yet, despite these problems with fitting aliens into the field of cryptozoology, we know that aliens are unconfirmed, controversial creatures whose existence has not yet been proven to the satisfaction of mainstream science, which is a pretty good description of what a cryptid is. This fact manages to draw the interest of some scientists who work in the field of cryptozoology.
Cryptozoology does investigate legendary humanoids, including a number of creatures whose intelligence seems high enough that they probably would not qualify as animals, such as marked hominids. In addition to this argument, there seems to be no reason to absolutely confine cryptozoology to earthly creatures. Although aliens do fall near the fringes of cryptozoology, they do not fall entirely outside its possible sphere of inquiry.
Depending on what explanation you propose for them, aliens could even fall entirely within the rightful realm of cryptozoological inquiry. There are five general explanations that have been used for the alien/UFO fad:
Theory #1: These things are not real (i.e. hoaxes, misidentification or hallucination).
Theory #2: These things are from another planet.
Theory #3: These things are actually advanced technology secretly created by modern governments.
Theory #4: These things are from some other dimension of reality (usually explained as paranormal, sometimes explained with weird physics).
Theory #5: Aliens are actually a species of human, a species that developed high technology ages ago and then retreated to a secluded life in underground or underwater bases or on other planets.
At present, theories #1 and #2 are most popular, but over the entire course of the alien/UFO fad, the popularity of different theories have waxed and waned, with nearly all of them having their day in the sun at some point in time. If aliens are real and theory #5 is true, then aliens would be a sort of converse to Bigfoot. Instead of being more primitive humanoids, they would be more advanced humanoids. People who believe theory #5 tend to lump aliens together with fairies, demons, and angels, using nearly every myth about powerful humanoids to support their claims of an ancient technological race. Sometimes reptoids are also thrown into this mix.
There is a different sort of theory that would also bring aliens more firmly into the cryptozoological fold. Some cryptids are so odd that cryptozoologists have been entirely stumped as to what sort of creatures they might be. Sometimes, researchers theorize that the most bizarre cryptids, such as chupacabras and air rods, are escaped alien pets or genetic experiments. To many people, such a theory would make more sense than the idea that such weird animals have always been here and evolved naturally on Earth. A few people think that nearly every cryptid was seeded here by aliens, or that every cryptid is part of some vast psychological experiment being conducted by aliens.
Along these lines of thought, the most radical ideas on this subject claim that cryptids such as Bigfoot are cleverly-disguised robots of some sort, possibly with biological components, that aliens send to do their bidding. This idea sounds silly to me. If you must disguise your robots as living creatures, why not make them look like real humans or animals that are native to the area? Either you want to hide your robots or you don't.
Some of the above theories linking aliens and cryptids sound nice, but have only the slimmest bits of evidence to support them. One piece of evidence is sightings of hairy dwarfs and other UFO Bigfoot-type creatures. These reports are rare, and seem to be getting rarer. People are seldom claiming that they saw Bigfoot get on a UFO today, and they did not claim it that often in the past either. Still, there are enough well-documented reports of this type to tantalyze some cryptozoologists.
The only other piece of evidence for these theories is suggestive of something, but too unclear to be much use in proving anything. This is the fact that when you make maps of places where cryptids are frequently sighted and places where UFOs are frequently sighted, these places usually match, and often bursts of cryptid sightings and UFO sightings also coincide roughly in time. To some people, this means that cryptids come from UFOs. To other people, it means something else entirely.
You see, these high-cryptid, high-UFO areas (and, to some extent, the times when there are high numbers of sightings) also correspond to those places with the highest levels of ghost sightings and paranormal activity of all sorts. It could be that people from certain areas are more open-minded and less sensitive to ridicule, so that they report all sorts of bizarre things more frequently, from aliens to Bigfoot to ghosts.
As to the times when sightings are high, it may be that, when people are coming forward in large numbers with bizarre tales, it emboldens other people to come forward with other bizarre tales. These matching patterns between UFOs, cryptids and the paranormal are fascinating, but they could be interpreted in so many different ways that it is almost impossible to use them to try to prove anything.
Despite all these theories, you do really have to stretch in order to include aliens among the suitable subjects for cryptozoology. They might be real, and they certainly seem worthy of investigation, but those investigations will probably be left to people other than cryptozoologists.

الثلاثاء، 26 أبريل 2011

Planet X

2012: No Planet X

by Ian O'Neill on May 25, 2008
Will Planet X cause mayhem in 2012? Nope.
Apparently, Planet X (a.k.a. Nibiru) was spotted by astronomers in the early 1980′s in the outermost reaches of the Solar System. It has been tracked by infrared observatories; seen lurking around in the Kuiper Belt and now it is speeding right toward us and will enter the inner Solar System in 2012. So what does this mean to us? Well, the effects of the approach of Planet X on our planet will be biblical, and what’s more the effects are being felt right now. Millions, even billions of people will die, global warming will increase; earthquakes, drought, famine, wars, social collapse, even killer solar flares will be caused by Nibiru blasting through the core of the Solar System. All of this will happen in 2012, and we must begin preparing for our demise right now…
As investigated in my previous article “No Doomsday in 2012“, a lot of weight had been placed on the end of an ancient Mayan calendar, the “Long Count”. According to this calendar and Mayan myth, something is going to happen on December 21st, 2012. Now the world’s Planet X supporters seem to have calculated that this hypothetical, deadly planet will arrive from a highly eccentric orbit to wreak gravitational havoc on Earth, sparking geological, social, economic and environmental damage, killing a high proportion of life… in 2012.
Related 2012 articles:
I’m sorry, but the “facts” behind the Planet X/Nibiru myth simply do not add up. Don’t worry, Planet X will not be knocking on our door in 2012 and here’s why…

Nibiru and Planet X
The planet Neptune - could its orbital deviations reveal Planet X (NASA)
In 1843, John Couch Adams (a British mathematician and astronomer) studied the orbital perturbations of Uranus and deduced that through gravitational interactions, there must be an eighth planet, tugging at the gas giant. This led to the discovery of Neptune, orbiting at a distance of 30AU from the Sun. There have been numerous occasions where this method has been used to deduce the existence of other bodies in the Solar System before they were directly observed.
Neptune was also experiencing orbital perturbations, and on the discovery of Pluto in 1930, it was thought that the aptly named “Planet X” had been discovered. Alas, Pluto’s mass was tiny, and once the orbit of Charon (Pluto’s moon) was analysed it was found that the mass of the Pluto-Charon system was far too small to affect the orbit of Neptune. The hunt for Planet X continued…
After years of speculation and historic research, it was believed that a huge body astronomers were looking for was a huge planet or a small star, possibly a companion to our Sun (making the Solar System a binary system). The name “Nibiru” was unearthed by the author Zecharia Sitchin, on researching the possible intervention of extraterrestrials in the early history of mankind. Nibiru is a hypothetical planet as taught in ancient Sumerian culture (the Sumerians existed from around 6,000BC to 3,000BC, predating Babylon, in the current geographic location of Iraq). There is very little archaeological evidence to suggest this mythical planet has anything to do with Planet X. But since this dubious connection, Planet X and Nibiru are now thought by doomsayers to be the same thing, an ancient astronomical body that has returned after a long orbit beyond the Solar System.
OK, so the Nibiru/Planet X connection might be a bit ropey already, but is there any solid evidence for the modern-day Planet X?
Infrared observations = Planet X
A popular image on Planet X websites. Is this Planet X, or is it simply a young galaxy? (NASA - possible source)
There is much emphasis placed on the 1983 “discovery” of a mysterious heavenly body by NASA’s Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) on the outskirts of the Solar system, some 50 billion miles (540 AU) away. Naturally the world’s media will have been very excited by such a discovery and began making noises that perhaps this was Planet X (the most popular accessible resources for Planet X advocates is the Washington Post article published on December 31st 1983 titled “Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered“). In actuality, astronomers weren’t sure what the infrared object was (the clue is in the word “mystery”). Initial media reports postulated that it could be a long-period comet, or a planet, or a far-off young galaxy or a protostar (i.e. a brown dwarf). As soon as the last possibility is mentioned, suddenly this became the “discovery” that Planet X was in fact a brown dwarf orbiting in the outer reaches of our Solar System.
So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby “protostar” that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.” – Thomas O’Toole, Washington Post Staff Writer, December 30th 1983 (from text on the Planet X and Pole Shift website)
So where did the Washington Post get its story? The story was published in response to the research printed a paper titled “Unidentified point sources in the IRAS minisurvey” (by Houck et al, published in Astrophysical Journal Letters, 278:L63, 1984). Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, co-investigator in the IRAS project, was interviewed and strongly stated that what IRAS had seen was not “incoming mail” (i.e. the results did not suggest there was an object approaching Earth). On reading this interesting research, I was especially drawn to the paper’s conclusion:
A number of candidate identifications have been considered including near-solar system, galactic, and extragalactic objects. Further observations at infrared and other wavelengths may provide additional information in support of one of these conjectures, or perhaps these objects will require entirely different interpretations.” – Houck et al, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 278:L63, 1984.
Although these IRAS observations were seeing mysterious objects, at this stage, there was no indication that there was an object (let alone a brown dwarf) powering its way toward us. But the rumours had already begun to flow. When follow-up papers were published in 1985 (Unidentified IRAS sources – Ultrahigh-luminosity galaxies, Houck et al., 1985) and 1987 (The IRAS View of the Extragalactic Sky, Soifer et al., 1987), there was little if any media interest in their findings. According to these publications, most of the IRAS observations in the 1984 paper were distant, ultra-luminous young galaxies and one was a filamentary structure known as “infrared cirrus” floating in intergalactic space. IRAS never observed any astronomical body in the outer reaches of the Solar System.
Orbital perturbations = Planet X
The bodies in the Kuiper Belt (Don Dixon)
In addition to the 1983 “discovery” of the Planet X brown dwarf, the 1992 Planet X claim goes something like this: “Unexplained deviations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune point to a large outer solar system body of 4 to 8 Earth masses, on a highly tilted orbit, beyond 7 billion miles from the sun,” – text from an un-cited NASA source on the “Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide” video.
Pulling up the discovery of planets using orbital perturbation measurements, Planet X advocates point to a NASA announcement that in 1992, there were indirect measurements of a planet some 7 billion miles from Earth. Alas, I cannot find the original source for this claim. The only huge discovery NASA announced along these lines was the discovery of the first major trans-Neptunian object (TNO) called 1992 QB1 (full details of the discovery of this “cubewano-class” object can be found in the original announcement transcript). It has a diameter of 200km and is confined to the Kuiper Belt, a zone of minor planets (where Pluto lives) and asteroids from 30AU to 55AU, just outside Neptune’s orbit. Some of these bodies (like Pluto) cross the path of Neptune’s orbit and there therefore designated as a TNO. These TNO’s pose no threat to the Earth (in as much as they wont be leaving the Kuiper Belt to pay us a visit in 2012).
Since then, any Neptune orbital perturbations have been put down to observational error and have since not been observed… so there doesn’t appear to be any obvious object any bigger than the largest Kuiper Belt objects out there. Still, to keep an open mind, there could be more large bodies to be discovered (that might explain why there is such a steep drop-off of Kuiper Belt objects at the “Kuiper Cliff”, the jury is out on that idea), but there is no evidence for a massive body approaching from the vicinity of the Kuiper Belt. Even the strange Pioneer anomaly that the Pioneer and Voyager probes are experiencing cannot be attributed to Planet X. This anomaly appears to be a Sun-ward acceleration, if there was a massive planet out there, there should be some gravitational effect beyond what has been predicted by the other known objects in the Solar System.
4-8 Earth masses = a brown dwarf? It must be Planet X.
Brown dwarfs are 15-80 times the mass of Jupiter (NASA)
Probably the most glaring inconsistency in the Planet X hypothesis is the Planet X advocates assertion that the 1984 IRAS object and the 1992 body are one of the same thing. As announced on many websites and online videos about Planet X, the 1984 IRAS observation saw Planet X at 50 billion miles from Earth. The 1992 NASA “announcement” put Planet X at a distance of about 7 billion miles from Earth. Therefore, the logic goes, Planet X had travelled 43 billion miles in the course of only eight years (from 1984 to 1992). After some dubious mathematics, Planet X is therefore expected to reach the core of the Solar System in 2012. (Although many believed it should arrive in 2003… they were obviously wrong about that prediction.)
Well, I think we might be clutching at straws here. For starters, for the 1984 object to be the same as the 1992 object, surely they should be the same mass? If Planet X was a brown dwarf (as we are led to believe in the IRAS observations), how can it possibly weigh in at only 4 to 8 Earth masses eight years later? Brown dwarfs have a mass of around 15-80 Jupiter masses. As Jupiter is about 318 Earth masses, surely the object hurtling toward us should have a mass of somewhere between 4,770 and 25,440 Earth masses? So I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I reckon the 1984 object and the 1992 object (if either object actually existed that is) are not the same thing. Not by a very long shot.
If there is no evidence supporting Planet X, it must be a conspiracy
If it can be this easy to cast the fundamental “scientific” theory behind Planet X into doubt, I see little point in discussing the historical reasons (mass extinctions, volcanic activity, earthquakes etc.) as to why the doomsayers believe Planet X should exist. If there is no renegade planet out there of significant mass, how can Nibiru be a threat to us in 2012?
They will have us believe there is a global conspiracy of international governments hiding the facts from us. NASA is involved in the cover-up, hence the lack of evidence. In my opinion, simply because there is no evidence, doesn’t mean there is a conspiracy to hide the truth from the public. So why would governments want to hide a “discovery” as historic as a doomsday planet approaching the inner Solar System anyway? To avoid mass panic and pursue their own, greedy agendas (obviously).
As it turns out, this is the only strength behind the Planet X myth. When confronted with scientific facts, the Planet X advocates reply with “…governments are sending out disinformation and covering up the true observations of Nibiru.” Although I enjoy a good conspiracy theory, I will not support anything in the name of Planet X. If the basic science behind what we are led to believe are the foundation of Planet X existing is wrong, it seems a poor argument to say “the government did it”.
Therefore, the story that Planet X will arrive in 2012-21-December is, in my view, total bunkum (but it helps to sell doomsday books and DVDs by scaring people). Nibiru will remain in the realms of Sumerian myth.
Sources: No Tenth Planet Yet From IRAS, Surviving 2012 and Planet X (Video), The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System, New Scientist, IRAS, Planet X and Pole Shift